
Ellen pillars of the earth
Ellen pillars of the earth

ellen pillars of the earth ellen pillars of the earth

As well as the multiple themes, the narrative follows multiple characters such as Tom the Builder and his family, Prior Phillip, Jack Jackson and his mother Ellen, Aliena, and more. The importance and hindrance of family bonds, loyalty, betrayal, love, and exploring the concepts of death and religion are all themes which are explored within this book’s pages. One of the most enjoyable aspects of The Pillars of the Earth are the themes which Follett incorporates into the telling of this story. From then, the plot only thickens as the search for the truth behind the ship which sank leaving the King without an heir begins, the secrets that the condemned man put to death are revealed and the lengths that people will go to for power are shown in this rollercoaster of a journey which readers will embark upon. The novel itself begins with the hanging of a man who has been convicted of thievery and a curse being placed upon his condemners by his pregnant lover. The first in the Kingsbridge novel series, The Pillars of the Earth takes readers on a journey back in time to twelfth-century England in a six part telling of the building of the Kingsbridge Cathedral during a time of civil war. Originally published in 1989, The Pillars of the Earth written by Ken Follett has everything that a reader could ask for in a novel within its pages! Whilst it might not be the lightest of reads, what with its 1076 pages, Follett’s historical tale is a definite page turner that will have readers unable to put the book down! “After today, he thought, the world will never be quite the same.”

Ellen pillars of the earth